Wednesday, March 20, 2024
Board Room
175 Ingram Street, Duncan, BC
1:30 PM
I would like to recognize that the CVRD is (we are) on the unceded territories of the Quw'utsun, Malahat, Ts'uubaa-asatx, Halalt, Penelakut, Stz'uminus, Lyackson, Pauquachin, Ditidaht & Pacheedaht Nations, whose people have walked gently here for thousands of years.
Motion to approve the agenda.
Electoral Area Services Committee Meeting of March 6, 2024
That the minutes of the Electoral Area Services Committee meeting of March 6, 2024, be adopted.
The Public Input Period is to offer the public an opportunity to comment on an agenda item before the Committee considers the item. The Public Input Period Procedure Policy allows for an allotment of 15 minutes, where the speaker is welcome to comment on any item(s) on the agenda up to a maximum of 3 minutes. This excludes items that are or have been the subject of a Public Hearing. The speaker should comment in a polite, calm, and courteous manner using respectful language, civility, and decorum.
Grant-in-Aid Request, Electoral Area Electoral Area A – Mill Bay/Malahat Re: Frances Kelsey Dry Grad Committee
That it be recommended to the Board that a Grant-in-Aid, Electoral Area A – Mill Bay/Malahat, in the amount of $1,000 be provided to the Frances Kelsey Dry Grad Committee to support the Frances Kelsey 2024 Dry Grad Celebration.
Grant-in-Aid Request, Electoral Area B – Shawnigan Lake Re: Frances Kelsey Dry Grad Committee
That it be recommended to the Board that a Grant-in-Aid, Electoral Area B – Shawnigan Lake, in the amount of $1,000 be provided to the Frances Kelsey Dry Grad Committee to support the Frances Kelsey 2024 Dry Grad Celebration.
Report from the Community Planning Division Re: Bill 35 – Short-Term Rentals and CVRD Land Use Bylaws
That it be recommended to the Board:
1. That the Official Community Plan for the Electoral Areas be amended to designate electoral areas for short-term rental (STR) Temporary Use Permits, and that Zoning Bylaw No. 4485 be amended to include associated temporary use permit guidelines;
2. That the Development Application Referral Policy be amended, to require any Temporary Use Permit applications for STR to be referred to the Advisory Planning Commission for the electoral area where the subject property is located;
3. That the CVRD not opt into the Principal Residence Requirement under Bill 35; and
4. That staff host a public webinar to inform the public of the proposed approach to STR regulation.
Report from the Community Planning Division Re: Implementing the Requirements of the Housing Statutes (Residential Development) Act - Bill 44 (Second Report)
That it be recommended to the Board:
1. That the draft zoning amendment bylaws for all electoral areas for the purpose of increasing opportunities for suites in CVRD electoral areas, bylaw maintenance, and satisfying provincial legislative requirements, be forwarded to the Board for consideration;
2. That improvement districts and private utilities within the areas affected by the proposed amendments be notified of (not referred to) the draft bylaw that applies in their service area;
3. That amendment bylaws applicable to lands within 800 m of a Controlled Access Highway be referred to the Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure; and
4. That a public hearing not be held and that notice be provided in accordance with CVRD Bylaw No. 4483 – Development Application Procedures Bylaw, 2023.
Report from the Inspections & Enforcement Division Re: Business Licensing for Short-Term Rentals and Bed and Breakfast Businesses
That it be recommended to the Board that staff investigate and report back on the process and costs associated with establishing a business licensing service for short-term rentals and bed and breakfast accommodation in the electoral areas.
Report from the Development Services Department Re: Application No. RZ23A02 (855 Shawnigan-Mill Bay Road, PID: 000-278-122)
That it be recommended to the Board:
1. That a Zoning Amendment Bylaw for Application No. RZ23A02 (855 Shawnigan-Mill Bay Road, PID: 000-278-122), to permit retail cannabis be drafted and forwarded to the Board for consideration of 1st and 2nd reading.
2. That a public hearing be scheduled for Application No. RZ23A02 (855 Shawnigan-Mill Bay Road, PID: 000-278-122).
Report from the Development Services Division Re: CVRD Bylaw No. 4545 - Development Approval Information Bylaw, 2024
That it be recommended to the Board that “CVRD Bylaw No. 4545 - Development Approval Information Bylaw, 2024”, be forwarded to the Board for consideration of three readings and adoption.
Report from the Utilities Division Re: 2024 Budget Amendment to include the Shell Beach Water System Budget
That it be recommended to the Board that the 2024 Budget be amended to include a new function for the Shell Beach Water System Service for the remaining three quarters of the 2024 budget year.
The Question Period is an opportunity to offer the public to ask a question regarding the business of CVRD. The Question Period allows for an allotment of 15 minutes and is comprised of two parts. The first is reserved for questions directly related to agenda items. If there is time remaining, questions may be on a matter of public interest related to and in the CVRD jurisdiction. Each questioner is permitted to ask one question, plus one follow-up question related to the answer. The Question must truly be a question, and not a statement of opinion, or speech. Questioners must avoid personal references, insinuations, violent, offensive, or disrespectful remarks about another person; and unparliamentary language.
Motion that the meeting be closed to the public in accordance with the Community Charter Part 4, Division 3, Section 90, subsections as noted in accordance with each agenda item.